Psychoco: Psychometric computing


PDF version of the workshop program

Thursday, February 21

Chair: Patrícia Martinková
12:30 Welcome
12:45 Elena A. Erosheva Partial-Mastery Cognitive Diagnosis Models [abstract] [slides]

13:30 Coffee break

Chair: Carolin Strobl
14:00 Achim Zeileis colorspace: A Toolbox for Manipulating and Assessing Color Palettes for Statistical Graphics [abstract] [slides]
14:18 Michela Battauz Regularized Estimation of the Nominal Response Model [abstract] [slides]
14:36 Alexander Robitzsch Regularized Moderated Nonlinear Factor Analysis: The R Package mnlfa [abstract] [slides]
14:54 Charles Driver Hierarchical State Space Modelling with ctsem [abstract] [slides]
15:12 Patrícia Martinková Simulated and Real Data Examples for Teaching Psychometrics [abstract] [slides]

15:30 Coffee break with information on the Center for Educational Measurement and Psychometrics

Chair: Yves Rosseel
16:00 Axel Mayer The EffectLiteR Package for Analyzing Causal Effects Using Structural Equation Modeling [abstract] [slides]
16:18 Heidelinde Dehaene Extending the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Test for Latent Variables [abstract] [slides]
16:36 Ines Devlieger Recent Developments in Factor Score Regression [abstract] [slides]
16:54 Matthias A. Burzler How to Assess Reviewer Rankings? A Theoretical and an Applied Approach [abstract] [slides]
17:12 Debby ten Hove Applying Generalizability Theory to Interdependent Network Data: Estimating Interrater Reliability [abstract] [slides]

17:30 Short break

Chair: Patrícia Martinková
17:45 Lubomír Štěpánek Various Generalizations of the Upper-Lower Index and Their Critical Values [abstract] [slides]
18:03 Viktoriia Dobriak Detected Item Bias in Ukrainian National Test (canceled) [abstract] [slides]
18:21 Mariia Mazorchuk Experience of Using the R Software Environment for the National Assessment Data Processing [abstract] [slides]
18:39 Ivailo Partchev dexterMST: An R Package to Manage and Analyze Data from Multistage Tests [abstract] [slides]

20:00 Dinner

Friday, February 22

Chair: Elena A. Erosheva
09:00 Timo von Oertzen In Defense of the Flat Prior, at Least for SEM Estimates and Inferences [abstract] [slides]
09:18 Fabian Dablander Bayesian Vector Autoregressive Models for Structure and Parameter Learning [abstract] [slides]
09:36 Don van den Bergh Graphical Linear Regression to Combat Multicollinearity [abstract] [slides]
09:54 Alexandra Sarafoglou Bayes Factors for Testing Ordinal Constrained Hypotheses in Categorical Data [abstract] [slides]
10:12 Anikó Lovik Congruence-Based Factor Matching for Exploratory Factor Analysis [abstract] [slides]

10:30 Coffee break

Chair: Michela Battauz
11:00 Stella Bollmann Misspecification of Distribution in Multigroup Latent Variable Models [abstract] [slides]
11:18 Rudolf Debelak Measurement Invariance Tests for IRT Models Estimated by Bayesian MAP [abstract] [slides]
11:36 Adéla Drabinová Nonparametric Comparison of Characteristic Curves for DIF Detection [abstract] [slides]
11:54 Stefano Noventa On a Generalization of Local Independence in Item Response Theory [abstract] [slides]
12:12 Charlotte Tanis On the Relation between Item Response Theory and Network Models [abstract] [slides]

12:30 Lunch break

Chair: Achim Zeileis
14:00 Renata Yokota addhaz: Contribution of Chronic Diseases to the Disability Burden Using R [abstract] [slides]
14:18 Laura Kolbe A Generalized Polychoric Correlation Coefficient Assuming an Underlying Bivariate Mixture Distribution [abstract] [slides]
14:36 Elissa Burghgraeve James-Stein Estimators in Factor Analysis [abstract] [slides]
14:54 Benjamin Becker eatDB: A Spreadsheet Interface to Relational Data Bases [abstract] [slides]
15:12 Ivan Ropovik Detection of Data Fabrication from Reported Results [abstract] [slides]

15:30 Coffee break

Chair: Florian Wickelmaier
16:00 Xinru Li A Tree-Based Approach for Exploring Moderation Effects in Meta-Analysis: The R Package metacart [abstract] [slides]
16:18 Marjolein Fokkema Recursive Partitioning of Growth Curve Models Using LM(M) Trees [abstract] [slides]
16:36 Claudia Glemser Discrepancies in the Structural Change Test in Applications to the BTL and MPT Model Related to the Covariance Estimator [abstract] [slides]
16:54 Juan Claramunt Qualitative Treatment Interaction Trees, Version 2.0 [abstract] [slides]
17:12 Dries Debeer Conditional Permutation Importance Revisited [abstract] [slides]

17:30 Closing